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Apr 26, 2014

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the revenue sharing between

online advertisers (and merchants) and online

salespeople. Compensation and pay is based on

performance measures, normally in the form of clicks,

sales, and registrations.

The advertisers and merchants are normally referred

to as affiliate merchants, and publishers or sales

people are known as affiliates.

The many benefits of affiliate marketing include

the potential for making lots of money. You can

automate a lot of the advertising process and

receive payment only for desired results, which

includes sales, registrations, and clicks.

Even though most merchants will assume some level

of risk with fraud, there is still a level of risk

involved. Once you know what you're doing with

affiliate marketing, you'll be on top well before

you know it.

Affiliate marketing has been a contributor to the

rise of many companies online, including was one of the first adopters of affiliate

marketing, and now has thousands of affiliate


When it comes to making money, affiliate marketing

is in a league of it's own. You don't have to

worry about bosses breathing down your neck, and

you are in control of everything you do with

your company and your website.

Affiliate marketing also gives you the chance to

stand behind products you know and love, be

offering links and banners to them on your personal

website. You'll receive money for each product

purchased that you represent, which is reason

enough to participate.

If you've been looking for extra money, affiliate

marketing is the way to go. You can stick with

one merchant or go with as many as you need for

your business.


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